I thought this response to a fellow astrologer friend worthy of sharing.
From a conversation with a friend:
When I did EMDR, my therapist could lower the intensity of what I felt when thinking of certain things from the past, but she couldn't get me down to a zero level of feeling. When she asked me why I thought this was, I responded that some things ideally shouldn't happen to anyone. Maybe I am just far too idealistic for reality.
I think that forgiveness is a huge part of healing, but forgiveness doesn't make the wound go away. Though I do still consider it something one does for self, not the other, as it does make our personal emotional load lighter.
Still, to use the example of rape that you used in the thread, even if the rapist is forgiven by the victim, does it erase the experience of it for that victim? If a child forgives a rejecting parent, does it fill the gap?
hence, "misshapen"
maybe Chiron is like our scar tissue
The skin is linked to the lungs and large intestine... Saturn.
wounds to it, things that cross that boundary tend to leave scar tissue. Abstraction might say that I can find a point of healing that is as if the wound never happened. Reality might say that there will be a scar.
(wow... imo you were meant to send this because I've never made that connection before, thank you!)
*Chiron also crosses the boundary where, in regard to the planets, we meet the collective (the others), Uranus... maybe hinting to how we can't help but also play a role in the scar tissue of others, both the wounding and healing?